Customer Testimonial

For over two years we researched and spoke to multiple home builders trying to find quality, comfort and build a trusting relationship. This was not an easy task by any means!

We had a pretty specific vision of what we wanted for our cottage. The patience and expertise we found in Kurt and Chris was second to none! After initially meeting with Kurt, we left the meeting with new hope. We finally felt confident to move forward into our design, planning and budgeting. From first contact to the finished product, Kurt and Chris were professional, understanding and always a pleasure to deal with. We really appreciated their quick replies to our many questions along the way too. From meeting our design needs and building a quality home, they were very knowledgeable, informative, and worked well in finding solutions to building issues that often come to light. They offered us flexibility and many innovative ideas that we often implemented during the build that we never thought of ourselves. Most importantly, they were always upfront about any possible cost over-runs that we may incur. The follow up and questions we’ve had post build as well has been fabulous as well!

We made the right choice by going with Bro-Built Homes and we would not hesitate to recommend this team to anyone looking to build.

Jane & Shawn K


Location: Alberta Beach, Alberta
Project Size: N/A
Project Status Completed (2017)