Customer Testimonial

In August 2002, we bought our Alberta Beach summer cottage with the hope that it would one day become our dream retirement home.

Fast forward to August 2014. We contacted Bro-Built and, within a few days, sat with Kurt in our cottage and asked a lot of questions about demolishing the cottage and building a house. We had no idea what was involved or what we were getting ourselves into. Kurt was patient, thorough and offered advice on the build and design.

We talked with Bro-Built’s references before we built. Their reputation with previous customers and within the building industry was first rate.

Over the year, Kurt answered our questions and guided us through our design plans. Bro-Built’s customer service was evident throughout this pre-build period, even though we did not have a confirmed start date.

In the spring of 2015, we asked Bro-Built to schedule the cottage demolition for September and wait to spring 2016 to start construction. Demolition took place as planned. Then April 4, 2016, excavation started and construction was underway.

At the time, building the house seemed overwhelming. There were so many decisions to make and so many questions, including details about home design and home finishings. Bro-Built connected us with a wonderful interior designer, Carly Zolmer.  Carly took the stress and guesswork out of making those decisions and advised us on function, style and colour. She accompanied us as we chose products and colours, and made the overall experience very enjoyable and memorable.

Kurt and Chris guided us step-by-step through the construction process and committed to a completion date of November 30, 2016.

Friends, family and colleagues warned us that our home likely would not be ready in November because builders are always late. We told them not to worry; Bro-Built handle their projects professionally and on-schedule!

Bro-Built delivered on their promise–we moved into our lovely new dream home on November 18, 2016!  Thanks to Chris, Kurt and Carly, we are delighted with the results, both inside and out!

The benefits of doing a home build with Bro-Built included:

  • good communication and collaboration
  • consistent delivery of what they commit to
  • quality workmanship and well-managed trades and contractors
  • excellent customer service and post-possession service
  • free advice–well maybe it wasn’t free, but it was valuable!

Norman & Shirley


Location: Alberta Beach, Alberta
Project Size: N/A
Project Status Completed