Customer Testimonial

We could not have been more pleased that we chose Bro Built to design &
build our new home.

Right from the start we knew we had made the right decision. Kurt & Chris
are very knowledgeable and professional in every aspect of home building.

They built the home of our dreams like it was their own. They are very
responsive to any questions or concerns you may have. They give opinions
and advice but are most concerned that their clients are pleased and get
what they want regarding their home .

We would not hesitate to build with them again or to recommend to our
family and friends. If you decide to go with Bro Built you will not be

Your home will be built in a timely efficient manner. The brothers truly
do care and it shows in your home!

Thanks Kurt& Chris!!!!

Kevin & Joanne


Location: Ross Haven, Alberta
Project Status Completed Nov 2019